Next, I'm going to label the skirt. To do so, I'm going to change the fabric texture to a monochrome surface so we will see this plain white fabric and I'm going to come over here to this 2D toolbar and select this annotation tool, and I want to select this Pattern Annotation. OK and zoom in. Then, I'm going to click one and type in waistband front and right here facing. Front and here skirt front. I'm going to click on this Edit. Annotation tool and then I can zoom out a little bit and I'm going to once again come over here to these pattern pieces and I'm going to switch my tool back to the pattern annotation tool, click on it and click one to place and once again type in. waistband back. And click one to place facing, excuse me. back and here. skirt back and switch my tool to. Edit pattern annotation. Then, I can adjust the placement of the name of the pattern itself and be sure they are correct so the waistband back, facing back, and skirt ba