How to open a recent file in clo quick and easy file in clo video step-by-step Today we have a cool tip on how to load the recent file that you closed earlier during your work, and to do that I’m going to come over here to File, click on it. Then hover the mouse down until we see recent after that, hover the mouse to the right. And you can select any recent file that you closed earlier. So, in this case, how to draft a basic top pattern 2. That’s the file I closed earlier, so I’m going to click on it to open it. OK and here this open project window pop up I’m going to. Checks open Box and the object. I’m going to check Garman and Avatar. After that, I’m going to click on OK to confirm. OK, so as you can see here, we just opened this project file and just one click from CLO 3D. Open Recent File for CLO File Recent Select your recent file (How to draft a basic top pattern 2) Open Project window: Open, Garmen, and Avatar Ok I hope you find this video useful. Designistas, remember to ...