A Step by step guide video: how to sew a buttonhole by hand Hello everyone, welcome to Encoder Fashion, I’m Rose. Today, I’m going to show you how to make a button-hole with a button-hole stitch also called a blanket stitch, which only means, then topstitch around the edge, so, it won’t unravel. To get the perfect fit, cut a button-hole 1/4th bigger than the button you are going to use. If you have trouble threading a needle, try cutting the thread at a diagonal angle and make sure to wax the thread with bee wax to smooth the thread so the thread won’t tangle. Begin with stitching the needle from the bottom up once, next, stitch the needle from the bottom up once again, but this time loop the thread around the needle once. Now, I’m going to speed up the video. When reaching the corner of a button-hole, I have two options, either making a fan-shaped or a bar tack stitch. For this example, I’m going to show you how to make a fan-shaped. Then, continue stitching with the buttonhole s...