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How to Sew Facings for a Top Quick and Easy in CLO 3D

How to Sew Facing Quick and Easy in CLO3D Tutorial

This blog is about how to sew facing on a dress in CLO3D quickly and easily. I will share with you seven-step on how to sew front-neck and back-neck on the dress with clo3d. I am going to share with you step by step how to do it.

Hello, Designistas welcome to Encoder FashionI’m Rose. Today I am very excited to share with you how to sew facing on a dress in CLO3D quick and easy. If you love to sew and just get into 3d fashion you are in the right place. Sewing in clo3d is fun.

There Are 7 Steps to Sew Facing in CLO3D

Step Number 1

Create Internal Lines/sewing lines for the Bodices: to create internal lines, we are going to use Edit Pattern Tool in the 2D toolbar. Click on it to activate the tool. Next, start from left to right, click on the front neckline, and then repeat the step by clicking on the back neckline. After, finishing selecting all these lines, we going to right-click, then select Offset as Internal Line.

Step Number 2

Create facings by using Internal Polygon/Line tool in the 2d toolbar above. Then we are going to trace over the front and the back necks lines. After that, we are going to clone them as patterns.

Step Number 3

Clone the facing as patterns: To do so, we are going to click on the center of the tracing line. Begin by clicking on the front neckline, right-click then select Clone as Patterns.

Step Number 4

Delete all the internal-tracing lines except bodice-internal lines: to delete the internal-tracing line. Go to Pattern Transform Tool, and click on it to activate. Then, come to the bodice be sure to zoom in close before you click on it, to zoom in scroll your mouse’s wheel Forward, and to zoom out scroll your mouse’s wheel backward. When you click on the Internal-tracing line if you look at the garment in the 3d window you would see the highlighted part show, next while it is still selected click the Delete Key on your keyboard to delete it.

Step Number 5

We are going to place the facing onto the Avatar. To do so, we are going to the 3d window and on the left-hand side, hover over the avatar symbol to expand, then select Show Arrangement Point. Then, come to the 2d window and click on the Front Facing Pattern, then come back to the 3d window and hover your mouse over the front-neck arrangement point and you will see the shade of the pattern placement, click on the point to place the pattern. Repeat the step for the back-neck facing pattern.

Step Number 6: Sewing the Facings

To sew the facings. We are going to use three sewing tools: an edit sewing tool, a segment sewing tool, and a free sewing tool. When it comes to sewing, I like to sew in a 3d window and sometime in a 2d window. If you are good with sewing this is just like real-world sewing. Use what you know and apply it. I use a lot of my real-life sewing with this software it turns out not that bad.

Step Number 7: Flip Facings to Normal

We need to reverse both the front and back neck facings: To do so, we are going to select both front and back neck facings, then come to the 3d window and right-click, then select Flip Normal. While both of the facings are still selected, we will do right-click again,  then select Superimpose Under. Now, we are done.

Thanks so much for stopping by Designistas if you guys think this blog is useful please subscribe to my channel Encoder Fashion for more useful content. I’m Rose and you can design anything!
