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How to Sew Pants Zipper with Fly in CLO 3D

How to Make a Front Zipper Fly | Sew Front Pants Zipper in CLO3D Easy step-by-step video

High Waist Pants PDF/DXF Patterns for CLO3D/Ai

Hi, I’m Rose Willey from Encoder Fashion. I have some tips to make designing fun and easy for you. Let’s do it. This is a step-by-step on How to make the Front zipper fly and Sew that front zipper with fly in CLO3D from start to finish. These include: creating 2 front zipper flies, sewing a zipper, and finally, fastening a button all done in clo3d. See a full script ink: How to Make a Zipper Fly | Sew a Zipper Fly in CLO3D

The pants patterns: $1 off discount code: efpants via Gumroad link: (Women’s High Waist Front Zipper Pants DXF/PDF Patterns). As well as via please follow this Etsy link: Women’s High Waist Front Zipper Pants DXF/PDF Patterns

How to Create Flies for a Zipper

How to create flies for a zipper. I’m here in CLO. To create flies, I’m going to come over here to this 2D Toolbar, and select this Trace Tool, click on it to select.

After that, I’m going to come over here and I’m going to click once right here to select, then, press down Shift on the keyboard. And then click on this line right here, this line to select this fly shape.

After that, I’m going to release my Shift key on the keyboard, and I’m going to hover my mouse over that highlighted shape and right-click and select Trace as a Pattern. As you can see, I just traced this pattern. I’m going to click once right on the page to place that pattern. 

How to Remove Baselines in CLO3D

Next, I’m going to delete these two lines that we don’t need. To do so, I’m going to click once on the page to select. Then, I’m going to click once right there on that line and press down Shift on the keyboard, click on the next line right there, I’m going to release the Shift and I’m going to press on this delete/backspace key on the keyboard to delete these lines. 

How to Make Pattern Copy in CLO3D

Next, I’m going to create a copy. To create a copy, I’m going to come over here to this Transform Pattern Tool, click on it, then, I’m going to click on that pattern piece right there. And right-click, next, I’m going to select Symmetric Pattern. So as you can see, I just created a copy. I’m going to press down Shift on the keyboard and then left-click to place that pattern piece. So by default, this pattern is selected. I’m going to click once on the page to de-select. 

How to Create Internal Line in CLO3D

Next, I’m going to create an internal line on this fly. To do so, I’m going to come over here to this edit pattern tool, click once to select. Then I’m going to click once right there on that center, and I’m going to right-click and select Offset as Internal Line. 

After that, this Offset as Internal Line window pop-up. And I’m going to type in the distance of 1.5. And the number of offsets is 1, perfect. Under option: I’m going to leave it as default, which is the Extend box is checked. After that, I’m going to click on OK to confirm. So as you can see, we just created two internal lines, one for each side of the fly.

How to Un-link Patterns in CLO3D

After that, I’m going to un-link, these flies. To do so, I’m going to come over here to this Transform Pattern Tool, click on it to select. Then I’m going to click on the pattern rather than click on that internal line. I’m going to just click once on the page first to de-select. 

Then, I’m going to click one on that shape right there to select the whole pattern shape, OK. Then I’m going to right-click and come down here, select Remove Linked Editing. OK, once again, click one on a page to deselect so as you can see now these pattern pieces are un-linked from one another. This means that whatever we do to this pattern, it doesn’t affect this pattern here. OK.

How to Arrange the Patterns in CLO3D

Next, I’m going to arrange these patterns. So to arrange the patterns, we want this pattern right here, over here, to sew, let me just put it next to each other. and see right here we want to sew this pattern to the left side of the pan, OK. And, we want to sew this pattern to the right side of the pant. 

However, I’m going to label that pattern. First of all, I just made a mistake. Instead, of selecting the whole pattern, I only select an internal line. I’m going to press command/control plus letter Z to un-do that. OK, after that. Once again guys, click one on the page to de-select because CLO tries to help us out by leaving select every function, that we have done along the way.

So, you will hear all the time from me, click once on the page to de-select. Next, I’m going to click right here on this pattern and then move it over here to above these pants OK. Now, we just arrange the patterns to match which side we will sew to.

How to Label the Patterns in CLO3D

Next, I’m going to label this pattern right and left. To do so, I’m going to come over here to this 2D Toolbar and select this Annotation Tool, click on it to select. Then, I’m going to come over here, hover the mouse over that pattern and this typing box appears,

click on it. Then I’m going to type in the letter R. And I’m going to do the same right here while this Annotation Tool is active, I’m going to click one right here to place my next typing box, and I’m going to type in the letter L.

How to Move Text Using Edit Annotation Tool in CLO3D

After that, I’m going to adjust this label a little bit. To do so, I’m going to come over here to this Edit annotation tool to click on once to select. Then I’m going to click on that letter and drag to move a little bit over here, and then click on this one and drag to move. By the way guys, it barely shows this box, but if I zoom in closer, you will see this typing box, right here. The typing box allows you to click on it and then drag it to move to whichever location you want, right over here. OK. So, let me zoom out. Now, we just labeled these pattern pieces. 

How to Measure the Pattern Length in CLO3D

Next, I want to measure this length because this is where we are going to sew the zipper to, OK. We will sew the zipper to here and here. To do that, I’m going to measure this internal line to measure internal line.

It is easy. I’m going to come over here to this Edit Pattern Tool, and click on it. Then click on that line right there. And as you can see, it is 16.21 centimeters. OK. So we want to add a zipper notch right here, 16.21.

How to Use the Notch Tool in CLO3D

So to do that, I’m going to zoom in a little bit. OK. So remember right here, 16.21. And we want that zipper notch right here, 16.21. To do that, I’m going to come over here to this Notch Tool, click on it, to select. Then come back to that line right there that we want to apply the notch, hover the mouse over it, and then right-click. 

This will open the notch window, and I’m going to show you a little tip here. So we have line 1 and line 2: line 1 is yellow, and line 2 is blue. So depending on what direction off the length you want it from. Since, for this example, we want the length of the direction from the top down right here.

So the length right here is in the blue line. And I’m going to type in 16.21, 16.21 centimeter is for the zipper length. OK. Next, I’m going to come down here and click OK to confirm.

I’m going to zoom in a little closer because I want to place another notch right here. This one, we don’t have to measure the length of the notch because I am going to just place the notch on top of that point right there. Just click on it, now we just place another notch. So, let me click once on the page to de-select. 

OK. To do that, I have to come over here to this Transform Pattern Tool, and then click once on the page to de-select. So I’m going to zoom in right here. Now, we have two notches already. I’m going to do the same on this opposite side. Let me zoom out a little bit and pan it to the left. OK. 

So once again, come to this Notch Tool, click on it. And then come back over here to the pattern, hover the mouse onto that pattern that we are going to place the notch. Then, hover the mouse over it, and right-click, and once again, line 1 line 2. Once again, we want the direction from the top to the bottom, so we have to select line 2 and the length is 16.21.

After that, I’m going to come down here and click on OK to confirm. And once again, I’m going to zoom in a little more because we want to apply one more notch right here on to that point. And I’m going to click on it to apply the notch.

Next, I’m going to come over here to this Transform Pattern Tool, click on it because we want to get out of that Notch Tool as well as click once on the page to de-select. OK. So, right now, we created the zipper notch right there as well as this sewing notch because we want to sew this end notch right there. After, we sew the zipper onto the pants. 

It will make a lot more sense when I’m doing it. OK. So, let me just zoom out a little more and pan it down a little bit. So next, I’m going to strengthen these pattern pieces before we are going to sew the zipper. OK.

So to do that, I’m going to press command or control plus letter A, to select all these pattern pieces in the 2D workspace. And then I’m going to just hover the mouse over that area and then right-click. And I’m going to select Strengthen.

So as you can see, our pattern pieces have turned yellow. I’m going to click once on the page right here to de-select.

How to Sew Front Zipper with Fly in CLO3D

OK. To sew the zipper, first I’m going to sew this right fly to this right front pant and sew this left fly to this left, front pant.

To do so, I’m going to come over here to this second sewing machine icon, click on it. Then I’m going to select Segment Sewing Tool. After that, I’m going to click once right here to place the sewing.

Then I’m going to click once over here to sew that piece to this front pant. I’m going to do the same with this opposite side. Click once to place the sewing and then click once again on these pants so we can sew that piece to…

After that, I’m going to sew right here, you see this top piece right here. I’m going to sew that to this waistband. OK, next, I’m going to come over here to this 3D window and I’m going to zoom out a little bit because I want to see both on the flies.

OK. Next, I’m going to come over here to Select/Move Tool click on it, to get out of that Sewing Tool. Then I’m going to come over here and click once on that, fly right there and drag it over.

I will do the same thing to the other one, click it and then drag it over. Now I’m going to click once on the page to de-select and I want to zoom back in just a little bit. OK, next, I’m going to superimpose these flies onto the pants. To do so, I’m going to click once on that fly right there, right-click, and then select superimpose side. 

I’m going to repeat the step with this fly right here. Just click once on that fly, right-click, and select superimpose side. OK, now I’m going to click once on the page to do select.

After that, I’m going to press on the spacebar to simulate. I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to stop the simulation. OK, so I’m going to just rotate the pants down just a little bit and a little bit to the right.

After that, I’m going to show the zipper onto the fly. To sew the zipper, I have two options. I can either come over here to this 3-D window and select the zipper or I can come over here to the menu and material and then zipper and then select zipper.

OK. And this is where we are going to sew the zipper to. We want to sew one side of the zipper on this side right here and the other on this line right there, this internal line. OK. To do that, I’m going to come over here to this 3D window and I’m going to sew the zipper right there

You see hover the mouse over that line right there. And you will see this blue point appear. I’m going to click once to place the zipper. Then, I’m going to click twice to end the zipper. I’m going to repeat the step on this line right there.

OK, click once to start. Then I’m going to click twice to end the zipper. OK. It looks like we have some problems here. OK, so the zipper is not equal in length. I made a mistake and I sew it up here a little bit.

So, I’m going to delete that zipper and then resew it. To do so, I’m going to come over here to this Select/Move Tool, click on it, to select. Then come back over here and click on that zipper and then press on the delete/backspace key on the keyboard to delete.

Next, I’m going to click on this pattern piece right here, right there. And, I’m going to just bring it out a little bit. Just click on that yellow square, and then drag it out. And I’m going to click on this piece right here, and I want to bring that in by click and drag.

So, click on this piece to bring that out, click on this left piece, excuse me, click on this right piece right here to bring it in. And I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to simulate. OK, so now looks like we have more space to sew the zipper onto the pants.

So, I’m going to click on this simulation icon to stop the simulation. Then, I’m going to come over here to this Zipper Tool click on it, to select. Once again, and this time I’m going to once again place my zipper carefully, and let’s zoom in a little more.

And click right there to place the zipper and then, click twice to end the zipper. And, as you can see right here. So, we have the zipper over here, see right there onto this pant and we’re going to sew the opposite side onto this internal line.

So, once again, I’m going to click once to place the zipper and just hover the mouse down here and click twice to end. So, the zipper looks much better already. As you can see right here, this blue is highlighted. This is a zipper that we sew on to as well as this zipper.

So, next, after we sewed the zipper onto the fly, I’m going to fold that fly. To fold the fly, I’m going to come over here to this 3D Toolbar and click on this Fold Arrangement Tool to select. Then, I’m going to come back over here to these pants and then hover the mouse over this line right there.

OK, see this blue highlight appear, click on it. And then, you see this opposite arrow pop up. I’m going to click on this red arrow and then drag it forward to fold. OK, next, I’m going to click one on this Select/Move Tool get out that Fold Arrangement Tool.

After that, I’m going to come over here, to this 2D workspace, and I’m going to click once on this pattern. So in reality, when sewing a zipper. The pattern right here would be parallel to this shape right here because we want to sew this part right there of the fly with the placeholder on the zipper.

OK. So it will make sense in a bit. So, we will apply that real-world sewing onto CLO because it works the same way, guys. So while that pattern is selected, I’m going to come over here to this 3D window and just hover the mouse over right there on this yellow square right there, and then

right-click. Then, I’m going to select Flip Normal. OK. So, as you can see, now the pattern piece looks exactly like this front left pattern shape. OK. Next, I’m going to press on the spacebar to simulate. OK. So we have a little issue here.

Let me click once on the page to de-select first. Then, I’m going to rotate the pants to the front view. OK, so right here, this right front fly. We want it to go in a little bit further because we want this front left pant to hover above this front right fly.

To do that, I’m going to click on that fly right there, then, I’m going to rotate the pan to the side because we want to drag it inward. OK. Now, I’m going to press number 2 on the keyboard to see the front view on the pants.

Then I’m going to press on the spacebar to simulate. And, I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to stop the simulation. And, I’m going to zoom in just a little bit. OK, and I’m going to click once on the page to deselect.

So, next, I’m going to sew this bottom part. OK, to sew the bottom part, I’m going to come over here to this second sewing machine icon. Then, hover the mouse to the right, and select this Segment Sewing Tool. After that,

I’m going to click once right here to start the sewing, Then, click once over here to sew that piece together. Next, I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to simulate. OK, so it’s still struggling, but that’s OK because we are going to sew this part right here to this part.

Hopefully, it’ll get better. So to do that, while this Segment Sewing Tool is active, I’m going to click one to start and then click one more right here to sew it to. And I’m going to press on this Spacebar once again to stimulate.

Then press on the Spacebar once again to stop. OK, so I’m going to delete this front sewing part right here. To do that, I’m going to come to this Edit Sewing Tool and click on it, then come back over here, click on that sewing line right there and press on the delete/backspace on the keyboard to delete.

Next, I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to stimulate. OK, I’m going to press on the spacebar, once again to stop. And, I’m going to zoom in over here in this 3D workspace and pan it down a little, and zoom in a little more.

OK, so I’m going to press on this Simulation icon once again to simulate. Now, I can use this Hand Tool to click and then drag this part forward a little bit to help the pants. And then, I’m going to press on the spacebar to stop the simulation.

It looks better already. So next, I’m going to click one on the Select/Move Tool to get out of that Sewing Tool. OK, so I’m going to come over here and rotate the pants to the right a little bit. OK.

So it looks much better. After that, I’m going to come over here to this 2D workspace and zoom in a little bit, OK. OK, so this is what we are going to do. We have un-sewn this part right here.

Now, we want to sew it back, OK. To do that once again, come over here to this Second Sewing Machine icon, click on it and then hover the mouse to the right and select Segment Sewing Tool. Then I’m going to click one right there to place the first sewing and then click once again over here on this front left pants

pattern to sew to. Then, I’m going to press down the spacebar once again to simulate. OK, after that, I’m going to zoom in right here, as I mentioned earlier, that’s the last part we want to sew for the zipper.

OK, so I’m going to come over here to the second sewing machine icon once again and click on it. Then hover the mouse to the right, and select this Segment Sewing Tool. After that, I’m going to zoom in a little more.

And I want to come right here. See right there, click once to start the sewing, and then click over here to sew the front pieces together. OK, next, I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to simulate.

OK, that is pretty awesome. I’m going to press down the spacebar once again to stop the simulation. After that, I’m going to come over here and click on this Select/Move Tool, to get out of that Sewing Tool, so we can see it better.

OK. look at that guy’s zipper is much better already. However, there are a few more things that we can do to improve the zipper. Number one, the zipper is too big, and number 2 the zipper does not have the matching color to the pants.

Let me come back to this 2D window, and I want to un-strengthen these pants right here. OK. And I’m going to press command or control plus letter A to select all of the pattern pieces in this 2D window. And I’m going to right-click

be sure you place the mouse on top of that pattern. OK, then, I’m going to select un-strengthen. OK. After that, I’m going to click once on the page to deselect. OK. So now I’m going to come over here to this 3D workspace and I’m going to press down the spacebar once again to simulate.

And I want to pull this right here. You see right here, this front pants over just a little bit. OK, then I’m going to pull over here and then press on the spacebar once again to simulate.

Next, I’m going to click once on the workspace to de-select. OK, so we are going to modify the zipper as well as change the color to the pants color, which is easy to do guys. First of all, let me just expand this window a little bit.

OK, the pant looks pretty awesome. OK, to modify the zipper, I’m going to come over here to this Select/Move Tools, and click on it. Then, I’m going to click once on that zipper right there. After that, I’m going to come over here to this Property Editor.

And if I scroll down over here, this width right there instead of 0.5, I am going to change it to 0.3 OK. Then, I’m going to press return to enter on the keyboard to confirm. After that, I’m going to press on the spacebar to simulate.

OK, it looks better already. Next, I’m going to come down here. So by the way guys, as you can see, the zipper is still selected because this highlight yellow appears on it, OK. So, next, I’m going to once again, guys, press on the spacebar to stop the simulation.

And then, I’m going to come over here to this Property Editor and come down here to the color. I want to click on that color swatch right there to bring this color window, and this is my favorite tool.

an Eyedropper Tool, click on it to select. Then, I’m going to come over here and click once on to that pants. After that, I’m going to press the escape key on the keyboard to get out of the Eyedropper Tool.

And I’m going to come down here and click on, OK. OK. So we just have altered the zipper. However, we want to change this zipper pull as well as the stopper and so forth. And I will show you why.

First of all, let me click once on the page to deselect. And I’m going to click once on that zipper pull right there. And you can see it’s now highlighted in yellow. Now, I can come over here to this Property Editor.

All right, so there are a few things. For the slider, I’m going to click on this twirling arrow and then change it to the first one, then, for the puller, I want to click on that twirling arrow once again and change it to this one.

So, this looks more like a pants puller number 14. A stopper, That’s very important, guys, let me come over here and I want to rotate the pants to the right so I can show you.

You see right here that stopper right there. It’s called an open-end stopper. We don’t want that because the open and stopper are for a jacket and it is not for pants, OK. For pants, we want a close-end zipper. So, to do that, while that zipper pull and zipper stopper are selected, I’m going to come back to this Property Editor.

And under stopper right there is open-end, you want to click on this twirling arrow and then select on this close end. And, as you can see, it’s improved already. It looks better. However, we can do even better.

So, right there to this top right there, it’s huge. We want to change it to a smaller one. So right there twirling arrow, click on it. And, we only have two options: big and small, so we will pick the small one.

The same at the bottom, OK. So click on that twirling arrow once again. You have big and small to pick the small one for the color. And as you can see along the way, the zipper getting better and better.

And there are more things which we can do. Let’s see, since it is the zipper pull, we want it to have a plastic look instead of a matte look. So, I’m going to change the type instead of fabric matte I want to change it to plastic.

OK, and one last thing, which is my favorite, changing the color. To do that, I’m going to come over here to the color swatch and click on it to bring this color window. And after that, I could use an eyedropper tool, click on it to select.

And I’m going to just click once on the pants. However, the zipper pull kind of blends into the pants themselves. We don’t want that, I want it to be a little bit more visible. OK, to do that, first of all, let’s get out of that Eyedropper Tool, just click on the escape key on the keyboard.

Now, I’m going to come back over here to this color palette, just kind of click on that plus sign right there and then drag. You see the color, change it for the zipper pull. Just change it to whatever color you like.

I think I like that one. I’m going to come over here and click on OK to confirm. OK, next, I’m going to click once on the page to deselect, it looks better already. However, for this zipper to be complete, we need top stitches.

OK. So we are going to apply the top stitches right here and right here. OK. So to apply the top stitches, I have two options to get the top stitches. OK. You can either come over here to this top menu and click on materials and then topstitch or edit topstitch, segment topstitch, free topstitch, etc.

You can click whichever one you want. However, I’m going to click segment topstitch or you can come over here to this 2-D toolbar. And as you can see right here, this is the top stitch tool. You just click on it and then you can see over here segment topstitch, free topstitch, and so on.

And you can select whatever you want. And right above that is the edit topstitch which allows you to modify the top stitch or delete it altogether if you don’t want the topstitch. So I’m going to show you how to do that.

So as you can see, the top stitch is active. I’m going to come over here and zoom in a little bit. OK. And as I mentioned earlier, I want to apply this topstitch right here and right here.

So to apply this topstitch, when you hover the mouse over here you see this little blue highlight up here, and then you just click on it to apply top stitch to it. And I’m going to do the same down here because I want the top stitch here too, click on it, OK?

Next, I’m going to you see it right here. If you’ve come to this object browser, you see this topstitch right here, you can click on that topstitch. Right there. And then you come down to this property. Editor, you can change and modify it how you like.

But I’m not going to worry about that for now. I’m going to come over here and show you a couple of things here. So if I somehow press the spacebar to simulate, I won’t see the topstitch. You will see in a second.

OK, so now the top stitch has disappeared. So I’m going to press on the spacebar once again to stop the simulation. Now you get to see the top stitches. So if that happened, don’t be alarmed. And another thing I want to point out right here.

Let’s say I hate the top stitch right here. I don’t like it. So to delete that top stitch I’m going to come over here and then select this at the top stitch and I’m going to come over here, click on that top stitch specifically, and press on the delete key on the keyboard to delete.

OK. Now that topstitch has disappeared. However, I like that topstitch. So I’m going to press down command or control. Plus, letter z To undo. OK, so now we just apply the top stitches to the front zipper.

And it looks amazing. So first of all, this pant is a tailor-made pants. OK, so we only need one top stitch right here. OK. OK. Extra tips Designistas. So I’m going to fasten this button once again, there are two ways to get that button fastened.

To do that, I’m going to come over here to this material, then go to the button and select fasten the button. Or I can come over here to the 3D toolbar and right over here click on Fasten button.

OK, next, I’m going to come over here to this to the 2-D window and I’m going to come over here to this button right here. Click on that button first. OK, then hover the mouse to the right to that buttonhole and then click on it.

And now we just fasten this button next. I’m going to just press down the spacebar to simulate. OK, as you can see, we just fastened this button, and I’m going to press on the spacebar again to stop the simulation and I’m going to select the select/move tool to get out of the fasten button tool

And as you can see, we have the perfect front pant button as well as a front zipper and fly. Thanks so much for watching Designistas. I hope you found this video useful and consider subscribing for more awesome videos.


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Introduction and Free Fabric Link Hello everyone, let's create a woman's knit sweater in CLO 3D with easy step-by-step instructions. I will provide you with some measurements and formulas to make the sweater more enjoyable. Additionally, I'm offering 18 high-resolution digital fabric texture files in .jpg format for free. You can import these textures into CLO 3D, Marvelous Designer, or Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. 👍Find the fabric link on Gumroad here: 18-high-quality Knit Fabric Textures for CLO 3D . Quick Tips: There are two sections listed below: one is the measurement, and the second is the formula. We will use the default avatar in CLO 3D to draft this knit sweater.  Avatar Size: Tall (Default Avatar) Measurements in 1/4 (Centimeters): Top Length: 63 Bust Circumference: 22 Waist Circumference: 20 Hip Circumference: 22.5 Shoulder Length: 18 in (1/2) Sleeve Length: 60 Wrist Circumference: 13 in (1/2) High Point Shoulder to Waist-Front/Back: 35, 38 Neck-B-D: 4 Neck-F-D:...

Install windows 10 on External Drive MacBook Pro 2023 | Free Step-by-step

Hello Designistas, by the end of this video , you will be able to use your external drive as the C drive for Windows 10 on your MacBook Pro. If you've tried everything and watched every tutorial on how to install Windows 10 on external drives, but it still didn't work, this video is for you. There are more steps to cover, so be sure to follow along step-by-step. At the end, we will turn that external drive into the C drive with easy step-by-step instructions. Are you ready? Let's do it! Requirements before Installing Windows 10 on External Drive MacBook Pro Before beginning the installation of Windows 10 on your external drive, there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled. Firstly, you will need a wired mouse. Secondly, you will require a solid-state drive (SSD) that offers high performance with read speeds up to 1050MB/s and write speeds up to 1000MB/s. It is recommended to choose a faster SSD as it will be turned into a C-drive, and a faster drive will prov...